Frenectomy Center
Good to Grow's Frenectomy Center is a sanctuary of support and expertise.
We’ve designed our center with families, children, and optimal health in mind. We are a comprehensive and collaborative care center for infants experiencing feeding challenges due to tethered oral tissues. We are the only pediatric dental practice in New England dedicated to providing an airway centric and functional health approach for children, from day one through their teen years.
We offer expert, hands-on services to support families and their healthy development. We offer lactation support, nutrition and stress management, craniosacral therapy, and myofunctional therapy for optimal oral function such as chewing and swallowing.
When traveling from a distance, whether you're taking a flight or driving for hours, everyone needs a breather. We have created a sanctuary of care – a dedicated lounge for families, especially new mommies with infants, to decompress, change, breastfeed, and rest.
Frenectomy is the in-office procedure used to free tethered tissue in the mouth. We will also provide you with the tools and support needed for your child’s road to healthy development.
We are expert-level ambassadors of the LightScalpel CO2 laser, which is FDA approved for oral surgery and enables very high precision in removing tissue. Our process fixes tongue and lip ties with minimal-to-no scarring, absolutely no swelling or infection, and far less sensitivity post-procedure.
Tongue Ties and Lip Ties
Tethered tissue in the mouth (“ties”) causes restriction with suckling, swallowing, and chewing. This can impact the facial development needed for optimal breathing, sleeping, and speech. We help children with tethered issues attain proper function and facial growth.
Difficulty latching to nipple (breast or bottle)
Slow weight gain or difficulty gaining weight
Losing milk or formula out of the corners of their mouths
Audible clicking sound while eating or suckling
Difficulty holding a pacifier in the mouth
Mouth breathing and/or snoring
Reflux, colic, gagging, or spitting up when eating
Frequent nasal congestion
Difficulty transitioning to solid foods
Restless or difficulty sleeping
Signs & Symptoms